On 7th and from 29th to 30th September 2023 at Istituto Italiano Di Cultura – Dublino
We are proud to announce the first edition of ”Dublin Festival of Italian and Irish Literature in Ireland” that will be launched on the 7th September with a special event and it will then officially take place from 29th September to 30th September 2023.
Six Italian authors and six Irish authors will meet in Dublin for a literature festival dedicated to the points of contact between the two cultures.
The Festival will be launched on 7th September at the Istituto Italiano Di Cultura – Dublino on the occasion of the exhibition ”Irish in Italy” about the publication of Irish literature in Italy in the first half of the 20th century. It will then continue on 29th and 30th September with a dense and interesting programme of literature encounters.
In collaboration with Irish PEN/PEN na hÉireann, Literature Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, Society for Italian Studies and Irish in Italy.
4.30-5.45 pm
Translators’ Choice: the Art of Literary Translation with Clarissa Botsford, Andrea Bergantino, Andrea Ciribuco, Celia de Fréine, Giuliana Zeuli – Moderator: James Hadley (TCD)
6-7.30 pm
Crossing Over: Family and Identity with Maria Grazia Calandrone, Olivia Fitzsimons, Carlo Gébler – Moderator: Enrica M. Ferrara (TCD)
11 am-12 pm
Crossing over: Fact and Fiction with Carlo Lucarelli & Mark O’Connell . Moderators: Catherine Dunne (Irish PEN/PEN na hÉireann) & Enrica M. Ferrara (TCD)
12.15-1.15 pm
Children Crossing Over: Journeys of Discovery with Viola Ardone & Elaine Feeney Moderator: Neil Hegarty (Irish PEN/PEN na hÉireann)
1.30-3 pm
Screening of the film “Ferrante Fever” on Elena Ferrante (68’ ENGLISH/ITALIAN)
3.15-4.45 pm
Crossing Over: Migrant Identities with Sally Hayden, Shirin Ramzanali Fazel, Gabriella Kuruvilla – Moderator: Chiara Giuliani (UCC)
5-6 pm
Crossing Over: Language, Place, Identity with Stiliana Milkova & William Wall Moderator: Barry McCrea (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Reservation no longer available